Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The past week has truly been an interesting one of unexpectedly remembering random things from my schooling days. From the novel collections I used to read, to the boy bands I used to love!

The funny thing about this past week is - since that moment I found myself beginning to think about those times, it's as if my thoughts have drawn in people and things that "take me back" even further to that period in my life.

For instance, just yesterday, while hanging out with a group of friends, somehow we began talking about the music we loved "back in the days"
and we ended up looking up and finding old video clips on youtube of those old artists and bands and singing along. Admittedly we were a bit off-key sometimes and we may have re-created some of the lyrics, but I guess that added to the joy of the evening!

But even more accidental and unbelievable was what happened moments earlier, one of my close friends who I was visiting, just randomly pulling out these "OddBodz cards" I used to collect in Primary School! Furthermore, even though we've only been friends since going to the same University, her favourite cards, below, happened to be my favourite cards!

I believe that there is no such thing as 'coincidence', and that everything happens for a reason, in God's Perfect Wisdom... So I wonder what the meaning is behind all this?

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