Wednesday, February 15, 2012

POEM: Freestyle

I usually don't "try" to write poetry; rather in a moment of inspiration or deep emotion, I discover thoughts becoming words that beg for an outlet, which develops into one of my poems! However, below is an example of one of those rare moments in which I decided I was going to take out my notebook and force myself to write something, anything, just for the sake of writing, in an attempt to conquer my writing drought. The poetic stream of consciousness written below came about during my travels in March 2011 while I was sitting on the plane with nothing much to do but write...

Putting pen to paper
Writing whatever comes to mind
Unsure of where these black lines forming words will lead

Always trusting the Most High
My Protector, My Sustainer
Whose Words I seek to express through my own

Pen to paper...
Trying to think of rhymes
To warm those writing muscles that have not been exercised for some time

Hands aching already
How sad, pause...
Mental block...

So let me begin again
Not thinking of the end
Just in God I depend
Silent prayers I send
Seeking to loan His Words
As I try to pass this dead end, mend
These wounds I create in my mind
And feed with ill thoughts blind, to the goodness
The good times

But only for a moment I entertain
Then push away that state to the back of my brain
Insane, trying not to let words form
From those thoughts of norm
Reform, my mind
Trying to draw out what needs to be heard
Let's begin...

Purchase "Unveiling" to read more of my poetry

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